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St. Vincent de Paul

SVdP door entry
unnamed (4)

If we had even a tiny hint of this love, would we remain with our arms folded? Would we allow to perish those whom we could assist? Oh no, charity cannot remain inert and inactive.

~ St. Vincent de Paul

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SVDP offers assistance with utilities, rent, pantry, and homelessness, as well as vouchers for the SVDP thrift store.

Pantry Location & Donation Drop-off
Behind the St. Joseph Parish Hall
West Side (opposite side from the hall entrance)

Clothing Drop-Off
The blue clothing donation bins are located in the south lot near the school next to the recycling bins.

We Need Your Help!
Our Conference maintains a food pantry which helps us to serve those in need within our Parish boundaries. We need your help to re-stock our shelves! The pantry is in need of the following items:

  • Personal hygiene products
  • Laundry care products
  • Canned meats
  • Cereal
  • Peanut Butter
  • Toilet Paper

(Note: No green beans and corn please – we have an over supply at this time)

How to Get Involved
Donate cash or checks payable to St. Vincent de Paul Society in the collection box on the pillar near the statue of St. Joseph in the gathering area of church. You can also donate online here: https://membership.faithdirect.net/givenow/MO184/41926. Come to our monthly meeting held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Contact our SVDP President Ann Yeager at ann.yeager@mwr-svdp.org.

What We Do
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in St. Louis is a non-profit organization providing personal assistance with furniture, food, clothing, rent, utlities, transportation and companionship to people facing economic, emotional or spiritual crisis. An essential part of the Society’s work is to provide help while conscientiously maintaining the confidentiality and dignity of those who are served.

The St. Vincent de Paul is supported by donations from St. Joseph Parishioners, the St. Joseph Church, the St. Joseph School, the St. Joseph PSR, the Knights of Columbus, the Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary, Senior Saints, the Girl Scouts, the Boy Scouts, Catholic Women of Faith, the Youth Group, the Athletic Association and other Parish organizations.

We are people who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to others in need. We are young and old, but all of us are blessed with awareness that our gifts of time, talent and treasure are to be shared with our brothers and sisters in need. We have no special education or training, just a heart for others. We provide a source of Help and Hope.

We know that we are not alone. We are part of an international society of friends, united by a spirit of poverty, humility, and sharing nourished by prayer and our fellow members.

Energized by the awareness that service to our brothers and sisters in need is in fact an encounter with Christ, we are keenly aware that poverty, suffering and loneliness are present for a countless number of individuals in our community.

You do not have to be Catholic for us to serve you. We serve you because we are Catholic.

Helpful Links
St Louis Council, Society of St Vincent de Paul: https://svdpstlouis.org

Instagram: instagram.com/svdpusa

Twitter: @svdpusacouncil