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Helping Hands

Helping Hands is a group of adults and teens who have volunteered to assist fellow parishioners.  When help is requested, coordinators give assignments from the pool of listed volunteers. Health-related educational programs and visits to infirmed or homebound parishioners are coordinated by the Parish Health Ministry arm of Helping Hands.

For Additional Information, Please Contact:

The Parish Office 636.441.0055 Ext. 100


As Eucharistic Ministers, we deliver the Eucharist to parishioners who cannot attend Mass.

We follow the rite outlined in the “Communion For The Sick” booklet. The precise steps may vary depending on the circumstances of the individual receiving the host.

The Eucharist is always treated with the utmost reverence. As commissioned Eucharistic Ministers, we are solely responsible for the host(s) we carry in our pix. Once we receive the host and our meeting is concluded, we are to go directly to our calls.

Our Mission

To provide the Eucharist to St. Joseph homebound Parishioners.


Our group meets every Friday morning immediately after 8:00 a.m. Mass in the St. Joseph room. Our meeting opens with the reading and reflection of the coming Sunday Gospel. That day’s visits are discussed along with any other business. We close with a prayer.

Mary Ellen Bruendermann

Bereavement Caregivers

The Bereavement Caregivers are a compassionate group of people who lend assistance in various ways to parishioners who have lost loved ones. They represent the parish at the wake and Funeral Mass, send cards to the families, and make phone calls letting them know there is help available. During the year, special Masses are offered for those who have lost loved ones, e.g., a Mass of remembrance in November and a Mass for Naming and Commending Babies Who Die before Birth. The Bereavement Caregivers meet every other month.

Meetings are held every other month starting in January on the third Monday at 1:00 p.m.

For Additional Information, Please Contact:

Luann Sniezak

Funeral Luncheons

We provide funeral luncheons for parishioners and their family members.

Volunteers are always needed for desserts!

For Additional Information, Please Contact:

Carol Head


The Grief Support Group, sponsored by Bereavement Caregivers, provides an opportunity to begin the healing process, to learn about grief, and to receive support from others in similar circumstances. The group meets for “The Seasons of Hope” six week biblical based group sessions held four (4) times throughout the year.  Please check the weekly bulletin for session dates or call the parish help line for details.

This is a Catholic, scripture, prayer and sharing our grief program.
Please register so we have enough books.

Kathy Merrell
636 -441-0569


The parish advocate works with the Parish Health Ministry as needed in order to more effectively follow the guidelines of the United States Catholic Bishops’ Statement on Parishioners with Disabilities. The advocate ensures that parish activities are accessible; increases awareness of issues concerning people with disabililities; networks with other advocates in the archdiocese and refers parishioners to resources available in the parish and the community.

“Lord, help us to see each other with Your eyes.” anonymous

Our Mission

To open our eyes, our hearts, our minds and doors to all God’s people by promoting awareness of issues concerning parishioners with disabilities; assuring the participation of parishioners of all abilities in parish activities; and fostering bonds of community between all parishioners regardless of their physical, mental or emotional limitations.

For Additional Information, Please Contact:


Links to Disability Resources

Archdiocese Special Education Website
St. Louis Review
National Catholic Office for Persons with Disabililities

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministry

Interpreters are provided for the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass and for various parish liturgies and events. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministry offers the deaf and hearing impaired opportunities to become more actively involved in St. Joseph Parish.


On the third Monday of each month, families from our parish supply vegetables, salad dressing, croutons, etc. for a fresh lettuce salad (enough for 14 servings) and deliver it to a parishioner’s home by 9:30 a.m. These items are then taken to St. Patrick’s Center in St. Louis and served to approximately 250 homeless who eat at St. Patrick’s Center. Please help “feed the hungry” in this way. We would love to add your name to the list of those who donate the salads from St. Joseph Parish.

For Additional Information, Please Contact:

Dede Donahoe


Parish Health Ministry promotes the physical, spiritual and emotional wellness of parishioners. The group works cooperatively with parish organizations and community resources in presenting wellness programs and assisting with health needs.

Meetings are held quarterly on the second Tuesday of the month and as needed.

Here are some ways you can get involved to help:

Become a Planner. This group attends the scheduled meetings to plan and organize the Parish Health Ministry events.

Become a Worker. This is a larger group of volunteers who may not be able to attend the meetings, but are willing to help at events when called upon.

Become a Blood Pressure Taker. These volunteers administer blood pressure checks once a month after mass.

For more information please contact:

Mary Doerr
636-441-0055 ext 301

Meal Ministry

We have over 150 volunteers who are happy to make meals for anyone in need.  For those in our parish family who need support during an illness, bringing home a new baby, recovering from surgery or other special circumstances please contact Tammy Cook at tammy6feet@sbcglobal.net

Casseroles for St. Patrick Center

St. Joseph Parish has signed up to deliver casseroles once a month to the St. Patrick Center in St. Louis. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact Patty Kamykowski at pattik-np@charter.net or sign up on Flocknote at stjoecot.flocknote.com/CasserolesforStP