Parish News & Happenings



Parishioner Meet & Greet

Fr. Brian Fischer

Share your experiences with Fr. Fischer.

Times Available into 2025


Come Sing with us!

Festival of Lessons and Carols

December 24 beginning at 11:00pm in Church

Prior to Mass at Midnight on Christmas Eve, our combined choirs and brass will lead a traditional Festival of Lessons and Carols beginning at 11:00pm. This service recounts stories from our salvation history told in sacred scripture including the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, the birth of Jesus, and the commission to preach the Good News. Each scriptural lesson will be followed by a carol or choir anthem and a prayer. Please join us for this time of reflection on the birth of our Savior.


Social Event

All Families Welcome!

Family Social

Sunday, December 29 in Callahan Hall

Join us for donuts after the 8:45am & 10:30am Masses! Meet other families in the St. Joseph Parish Community!

Parish Event

Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 7198

Parish Blood Drive

Sunday, January 5 8:00am – 12:30pm
Callahan Hall

To book an appointment, please visit or call ImpactLife at 800-747-5401