St. Joseph Ministries

St. Joseph’s Ministries are listed below, each linked to their respective page and information.

Altar Servers

Annual Catholic Appeal

American Heritage Girls

Art and Environment

Athletic Association

Bereavement Caregivers

Boy Scouts

Casseroles for St. Patrick Center

Catholic Women of Faith

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Communion to the Homebound

Cub Scouts

Extraordinary Ministers

Dinner Auction

Fall Festival

Fishers of Men

Funeral Luncheon Ministry

Girl Scouts


Grief Support Group (Seasons of Hope)

Guardian Angels

Helping Hands


Jonah Prayer Ministry

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus – Ladies Auxiliary


Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary Junior

Linen Ministry

Liturgy Committee

Meal Train Ministry

Men’s Club

Money Counters

Music Ministry


Parish Advocate for Parishioners with Disabilities

Parish Picnic

Prayer Chain


Respect Life Committee

Sacristy Cleaners

Salads for Homeless

Scenes of the Nativity

Senior Saints

Stitches for Life

Society of St. Vincent de Paul


Votive Keepers

Youth Ministry