Parish Finance Council

The St. Joseph Parish Finance Council is an advisory committee organized to provide support and advice to the Pastor in overseeing and maintaining the financial resources of our Parish.

Mission Statement

The mission of the St. Joseph Parish Finance Council is to ensure that adequate financial resources are available for the current and future needs of the Parish. This Council recognizes the need to accomplish this objective while preserving and encouraging the growth of the St. Joseph Parish family.

This mission will be accomplished by:

  • Developing and supporting programs that enhance the stated mission.
  • Keeping the Parish informed of the financial health of the Parish.
  • Serving as “internal consultants” to other Parish organizations in the areas of budgeting and financial administration.
  • Formulating financial guidelines and long range plans.

We generally meet on the fourth Wednesday of odd-dated months at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center Conference room. We have an additional meeting the 4th Wednesday of June to approve the parish budget for the next fiscal year. Meeting times and location are subject to change.

What does the Parish Finance Council Do?

Your financial contributions to St. Joseph parish require careful stewardship. The Finance Council reviews and analyzes in detail income and expense statements, balance sheets, cash-flow analyses, and other reports each month.

The Finance Council also reviews, approves, and monitors the annual budgets for the parish, the day school, and the parish school of religion, and oversees funding for parish ministries. (The parish’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.)

Every September, the pastor and the Finance Council make a report to all parishioners on the finances of the parish.

Current Volunteer Members of the Parish Finance Council

Charles Franz

(314) 960-0523

Kathleen Lenzenhuber

(314) 406-7728

Laura Lyng
(636) 577-6313

Jennifer McCormack

Brian McGee
(314) 607-4575

Ron Ohmes

Kimberly Prost