Mass Intentions Requests
Parish Office
(636) 441-0055 ext. 100
“The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer!”
~ Pope Paul VI
Mass Intentions are a beautiful way to honor a loved one or commemorate a special occasion.
When you request a Mass to be said for a specific person or intention, you are offering a sacred gift – the opportunity for that individual to be remembered and lifted up in prayer during a holy Mass.
The Mass Intention is announced during the Prayers of the Faithful, allowing the entire congregation to join in remembering and praying for that special person or intention. This communal act of remembrance can bring great comfort to those who are grieving a recent loss or those that are in need of healing prayers.
Online Requests
We are now utilizing a self-service online system that will allow the faithful to see what Mass times are available, to reserve Masses in real time, and to make offerings online. The efficiency of this system will allow for a much quicker response time to requests.
1. View Mass Calendar View Calendar
View the schedule of available Masses, and click on your desired selection.
Available Masses are clickable Teal-colored buttons, (unavailable Masses are GRAY – not clickable).
2. Enter Your Intention Details
Share the name and reason for your intention, using the “Notes” section to provide guidance on pronunciation of any names as needed.
3. Follow Prompts and Complete Fields
Follow the on-screen prompts and complete the fields with your information.
4. Submit Offering Payment
Click “Pay Now” to enter the payment portal and click Complete Purchase when ready.
Email Confirmation
You will receive an email notification that your request has been received and is awaiting approval (staff must approve your intention(s) to complete the process). Once a staff member reviews and processes the request, you will receive a confirmation and payment receipt. We will contact you if we have any questions.
Intention Offerings
In the Archdiocese of St. Louis, the usual suggested donation for a Mass intention is $10. Your donation is given to the Priest who celebrates the Mass.
Offering Payment Options
Credit or Debit Card
Use our online intention scheduler if you would like to make an offering via credit or debit card.
Cash or Check
Use our online intention scheduler* or contact the parish office directly if you prefer to make the offering by cash or check.
*When prompted, select “Pay Later” and provide a check/cash to the Parish office (mail or in-person) after submitting your online intention request.
Need Assistance?
If you require assistance with scheduling a Mass intention, please contact the parish office, and we will be happy to help you.
For the good of all the Parish and to allow as many parishioners as possible the opportunity to have a Mass said for their intentions, Mass Intentions will be scheduled in accord with the following policy:
Mass Intentions Scheduling Priority
The Pastor has the sacred obligation of Celebrating Mass pro populo (people of the parish), that is applying a Mass for all his people on all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. Accordingly, one of the Masses on these days will be offered pro populo (For the Parishioners of St. Joseph) and unavailable for another Mass intention.