Jonah Prayer Ministry


Lee Hundelt
(636) 448-2863

As all of us face challenges little or big, we have the blessing to pray with others to help us through these times.

The Bible tells us that Jesus said” For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matt 18:20).

Trained Jonah Prayer Ministers pray with expectant faith with fellow parishioners, and serve as an extension of Jesus, as we present their holy desires to God and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jonah prayer ministers are commissioned by Msgr. Callahan and trained by the archdiocese to pray with you for all needs that you may have.

We are available on the first Sunday of the month, following the 12:15 Mass.

Please come to the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Icon and a Jonah Prayer Minister will assist you.