PSR Parent Resources

PSR Contact

Laura Thornbrugh
Director of Faith Formation
(636) 441-0055 ext. 301

Megan Winningham
PSR Secretary
(636) 441-0055 ext. 300

Questions or
Get Added to PSR Email List

Report an ABSENCE

(636) 441-0055, ext. 300

PSR Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
10:00 am – 5:00 pm

12:00 – 5:00 pm



5:15 – 6:45 PM


6:00 – 7:30 PM

Parent Information

Parents of PSR Goals

To support PSR families in their mission to educate children in the Catholic Faith.

To provide PSR families with spiritual enrichment through educational, community building, and service opportunities.

To be a means of communication between parents and PSR administration.

Contact Us
email: for questions or to have your name added to our email list.

Parent Handbook 2023-2024

PSR Calendars 2024-2025

Monday Session
(updated Aug. 2024)

Mondays PSR Calendar


Wednesday Session
(updated Aug. 2024)

Wednesdays PSR Calendar

Safety Patrol Parent Information

Dear Safety Patrol Parent:

The success of our safety program depends on every parent doing their part.

Throughout the year parents are called upon by classroom to keep our parking lot safe. This is an beautiful sign of service to your children. You should have received a reminder postcard for your safety duty date. Parental participation is imperative.


On your assigned night, park in the row facing Motherhead Rd (to avoid disruption in dismissal) report to the Griesedieck Center (gym) 20 minutes before the start of your child’s PSR session. The Safety Coordinator will be there to direct you to:

Sign in notebook under appropriate day and time slot

Pick up an orange safety vest and flashlight
Pick up a specific safety location assignment for arrival and dismissal

Please be at your assigned location on the parking lot 15 minutes before students begin to arrive (5:00 or 5:45). Your responsibilities include assisting children out of cars as needed, directing children to sidewalk and into gym, easing traffic flow, maintaining order in gym until classes are dismissed to rooms and protecting children and property from injury (Please – interrupt inappropriate behavior; i.e. no running, no food/drink, no balls, no skate shoes, no climbing on bleachers).

Late-arriving children are to report to the office for tardy slips. Only the doors outside of the office will be open.


Be sure you are parked in the row facing Motherhead Rd. Report to your assigned spot 15 minutes before dismissal (6:30 p.m. or 7:15 p.m.). This will be a different location than your arrival assignment.

Safety parents are needed to:

– Direct parking patterns
– Ensure drive paths are clear of people
– Signal to Safety Coordinator
– Keep exit lanes open for exiting traffic; no cars are to park in exits
– Assist flow of exiting traffic
– Place barricades to prevent late arriving cars from entering the student dismissal areas after the dismissal bell has sounded

No cars are to enter lots after 6:45 or 7:30 because children will be present. Late cars are to park on the late lot until traffic flow is clear. Please remember this is for the safety of our children. We do not want any children in harm’s way. We need you and we appreciate your positive input for improvement!

After all the cars have cleared the lot, return the vest and flashlight to the Office. Your comments are welcome in the back of the safety notebook.

Your own PSR child(ren) should go to the gym on arrival, as usual. They will be dismissed in the usual manner. Your child’s teacher should wait with them for grades K-3. For older children, decide ahead of time where you will meet your children – an adult will always be in the office if you would like to meet there after the parking lot has cleared.

Safety patrol is a mandatory part of PSR.

You are required to work when your child’s class is assigned. If you cannot, we will work with you to arrange a make-up time.

Thank you!

Arrival/Dismissal Procedure

Dear Parents,

Please read the attached document regarding the Arrival and Dismissal procedures for PSR.

Arrival Dismissal Procedures


2024-2025 PSR Parent Safety Patrol
2024-2025 PSR Parent Handbook
PSR Supply List

2024-2025 School Year

PSR Supply List per GRADE
View/Download PDF

PSR Registration

2025-2026 PSR Registration COMING SOON!


Make Tuition Payment

To pay your PSR Tuition online, please click HERE


Emergency Reunification Point & Instructions

Emergency Reunification Point & Instructions
View/Download PDF

Additional Information
Catholic Resources

St. Louis Archdiocese

The Holy See