
Since the founding of our country, and throughout our history, Catholic men and women have dedicated their lives to teaching children in Catholic schools. Our own St. Philippine Duchesne is a radiant example of a person dedicating her life to fulfill the Church’s educational mission. Our local patron saint of education inspires us to continue to create in our school community “an atmosphere that enlivens the Gospel spirit of freedom and charity” (Pope John Paul II, Springtime of Evangelization, 81).


St. Joseph School adheres to the Archdiocesan policies on curriculum. The curriculum of St. Joseph School is approved by the Missouri Non-Public Accreditation Association and aligned with national and state standards in each subject. In teaching the curriculum, St. Joseph teachers utilize methods associated with best practices.

The following subjects are taught at St. Joseph school:

  • Art
  • Band
    (optional for students in grades 4-8. In 5-8 grade band replaces regular music class)
  • Computer/Technology (classes are taught to all grades)
  • Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Religion
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Spanish

St. Joseph School uses the Virtues in Practice program. “Virtues in Practice is a program for children in grades pre-kindergarten through eight to grow closer to Jesus by imitating His life and virtues. It is set up in such a way that a whole school studies the same virtue each month, to provide a whole-school (and at home, whole-family) focus. The program covers 27 virtues over a three-year cycle, with 81 saints held up as models of the virtues.”

View Virtues of Practice Program Details

Sacramental Preparation

Students in grade 2 and grade 8 participate in the sacramental preparation program of St. Joseph Parish. Grade 2 students prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion during religion class. Grade 8 students prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation during religion class. Students and parents are required to participate in all sacramental preparation activities of the parish, including meetings, retreats, and other requirements.

Academics Highlights

  • Academic excellence
  • Core Subjects: Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies
  • Additional Courses: Spanish, Art, Music, Physical Education, Computer
  • Award-winning band program – 4th – 8th grades with students in 5 ensembles: Beginning, Intermediate, Concert, Symphonic, Jazz; utilizing Smart Music – an online music assessment program
  • Educational technology – SMARTboards in every classroom,
  • Computer lab, and chromebooks and ipads for student use
  • Library program – full-service online public access catalog, study of Dewey Decimal System, and library research
  • Resource program – Learning Consultant and resource teachers to assist children with special needs
  • Enrichment program – gifted learning program, Kids Instructed Through Enrichment (K.I.T.E.)
  • Advisory program
  • Student Council