Lunch Menus and Info

Contacts – Food Service Consultants

Maggie Aubuchon
(636) 441-0055 ext. 293

Scott Krietemeyer
District Supervisor

Plate Lunch Pricing (no beverage)

K-2nd – $5.00
3rd-8th – $5.35
Extra entrée – $2.00
Salad bar – $0.58 per ounce
Milk/water – $0.50

St. Joseph School maintains a closed campus at lunch, that is, students are not permitted to leave school for lunch. Students are scheduled to eat with their class.

Students may choose to:

  1. Bring a lunch and drink
  2. Bring a lunch and purchase a drink (this does not apply to preschool)
  3. Purchase the plate lunch of the day (this does not apply to preschool)
  4. Purchase a la-carte items (Grades 5-8)

A parent who wants to join his/her child for lunch may do so.

Siblings of students may come for lunch only when accompanied by his/her parent. If the parent is bringing in a special lunch to share with his/her child, it should be brought in for the parent and his/her child only. All other students at the table or neighboring tables will use one of the four choices listed above.


Our cafeteria management service, Food Service Consultants, has changed meal pay services.

Vanco RevTrak is the new service replacing MySchoolBucks

Please read below for details.


Ways to add money to your child’s account

Online pay Vanco RevTrak  Look in the letters from Food Service Consultants above for more information.

Send a check made payable to Food Service Consultants to school in an envelope marked Food Service. Please indicate who the check is for by writing your child’s name, grade, and teacher on the envelope or place a note inside.

You may send in one check for multiple children and write on the envelope or the memo line how much to put in each child’s account.

St. Joseph School’s cafeteria is managed by Food Service Consultants.

Students choose their lunch each day during morning homeroom time, and teachers submit the lunch count to the cafeteria manager each day.

We recommend that you use the online option to put money into your child’s account. You may also add money to your child’s account with a check sent to school. Please make the check out to F.S.C. Please indicate who the check is for by writing your child’s name, grade, and teacher on the envelope or place a note inside. You may send in one check for multiple children and write on the envelope or the memo line how much to put in each child’s account.

Lunch includes options of plate lunch, salad and wrap of the day, salad bar, and a large ala carte menu.

Special days with vendors like Papa Johns and others will be noted (some include price increases). Discuss with your child treat days and dessert since ice cream is offered daily.