School Advisory Board
SAB President
Submit any school concerns or policy questions in writing by the first Monday of the month.
Meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7:00PM in the Parish Center when school is in session.
Meetings are open to members of St. Joseph Parish and School.
The purpose of the Board is to advise the Pastor and Principal in determining policies, plans, programs and procedures for the school.
The following are advisory functions of the Board:
- Establishing the philosophy and goals for the school
- Interpreting and applying the policies of the Archdiocesan Board of Education
- Formulating and establishing additional policies which may be necessary
- Evaluating the implementation of policies
- Reviewing of the budget summary and recommending rates and fees as necessary, looking to other sources for funding when necessary
- Advising the Pastor during search process for a Principal
- Promoting better understanding and wider support of Catholic Education in the parish
The Administration and the School Advisory Board are always open to suggestions about school policies. Suggestions are discussed at board meetings and a board member makes a follow-up response.
The Board is comprised of the pastor, principal, assistant principal(s), and seven to nine school or parish members.
2024-25 School Advisory Board Members
Mark Goth
Kim Ulrich
Vice President
Vicki Davis
Stacey Chik
Wendy Dwyer
Nicky Haley
Jessica Kessel
Bill Mrazik
Conor Pitkin
Fr. Brian Fischer
Sr. Kateri Rose
Allison Forster
Assistant Principal
Tommy Lahey
Assistant Principal