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Archdiocese of St. Louis

All Things New

Strategic Planning Initiative

Unifying Vision for Evangelization

You’ve taken the first step of Preparing for Mission, but now what do you do?

Each of us is called to be actively Living the Mission in our day to day lives. In order to help Catholics across the Archdiocese of St. Louis better understand what lived missionary discipleship looks like, we are excited to release the Living the Mission Resource page that will feature articles, videos, and resources around the concepts of Evangelization and Discipleship for your parish and your day to day life.

These resources have been created to help each of us understand what it means to have New Hearts, New Minds, and New Methods as we embrace the changes that God is calling us to in our local Church.

Mission Guidebook


MAY 28, 2023


A Message from the Archbishop

Archbishop’s Letter to St. Joseph – Cottleville


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In our worship this weekend we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the early Church, the Spirit which strengthened the Apostles to give bold and courageous witness to the Lord Jesus after the resurrection. The Acts of the Apostles tells us that the Spirit prompted them to live in a conspicuously different way from the prevailing culture of the Roman Empire. So compelling was their witness – especially through their charitable love for the widow, the orphan, and all whom society ignored – that thousands at a time chose to be baptized and to live the way that Jesus had taught.

This same Spirit, whose outpouring we celebrate this weekend, was breathed into us on the day of our Baptism and sealed in us on the day we were Confirmed. St. Paul tells us that this Spirit of God is no cowardly spirit but One who makes us strong, loving, and wise.

I invite all of us this Pentecost to reach deeply into our souls where that same Spirit dwells and to allow the fruits of the Spirit – particularly peace, patience, gentleness, faithfulness, and love – to fill our minds and our hearts as we embrace a time of transition together in the implementation of All Things New. Each of us, and I in particular, am mindful that this transition which we embrace together will be more difficult for some of our brothers and sisters than it may be for others. Please, let us lift one another up in prayer asking the Spirit to draw from His storehouse of manifold gifts what each of us needs at this moment in the life of our family of faith here in our archdiocese.

  • Having received, studied, and prayed over all the input and feedback that has been submitted by pastors, by key parish leaders, by you yourselves, and by our archdiocesan Presbyteral Council, I have discerned the following decisions regarding the future footprint of the Archdiocese of St. Louis:
  • Moving forward, the Archdiocese of St. Louis will be reshaped from 178 individual parishes into 134 parishes. These parishes will be overseen by close to 90 diocesan pastors and 17 religious order pastors. These modifications include the merging of 35 parishes that will be subsumed into neighboring parishes and 15 parishes being merged to create 5 new parishes. There will also be a new personal parish for the Spanish-speaking community in St. Charles County.
  • Even in parishes where there is no change to the pastor or parish structure, all of our communities are asked to re-evaluate their current pastoral care, social outreach and evangelization efforts to see if they can be streamlined, refined or re-invented. Our new Vicariate structure will support this.
  • Over the next several months our priests will be discerning with their people what the best use of our facilities should be to provide the Sacraments and necessary pastoral care to all who live in their boundaries and begin to reimagine what a vibrant, evangelizing parish ought to look like.
  • Implementation of these plans will begin in summer/fall of 2023 and may continue through 2026.The newly formed Office of Parish Mission and Vitality will also begin developing new plans for evangelization and social outreach to build upon the strength of our new archdiocesan footprint.
    Details can be found at allthingsnew.archstl.org. Anyone who is a parishioner and who considers themselves to be aggrieved by my decision has the right to appeal my decision to me in writing concerning the way that their parish is being altered. Per Canon law, the request must be made in writing, postmarked no later than June 12, 2023, and addressed to the Archbishop at 20 Archbishop May Dr, St. Louis, MO 63119. We cannot accept emails or phone calls as a request for appeal.

May the Holy Spirit embolden each of us to follow the example of the early Church and do our very best to go, make disciples of all nations and to reach out in loving service to those around us in need. May the Spirit make our efforts bear much fruit!

Sincerely in Christ,
Most Reverend Mitchell T. Rozanski
Archbishop of St. Louis

MAY 2023

SPRING Planning Committee Recommendations

All Things New – Spring 2023 Recommendations

Spring 2023 Planning Area Maps (all)

The All Things New planning committee, which includes priests, deacons, parish life coordinators, lay leaders and religious from across the Archdiocese, has reviewed the parish feedback summaries, parish workbooks and financial data of every parish in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. All are posted on this webpage. Using that information, the planning committee has refined the draft models to one recommended model per planning area.

Please email any questions to allthingsnew@archstl.org.



All Things New – Second Draft Model information

Second Draft Model-Planning Area 10 (pdf)

The ATN planning committee has refined the first draft models to a second set of draft models, which offer one draft model per planning area. Each planning area is divided into pastorates. Each pastorate reflects the area for which a pastor would be responsible. The planning committee has analyzed each pastorate to ensure each one has the resources to sustain a new territory and model.

The next step is to gather feedback on the second draft models.

Outlined below is the process:

1.) All the second draft models are online today for all to see. We ask that you direct any feedback pertaining to the second draft model for planning area 10 to our Key Parish Leaders at parishcouncil@stjoecot.org.

2.) Surveys are to be completed and submitted by Friday, February 17.

3.) This will be the last set of draft models and the final portion of feedback gathered in order to enable the Archbishop to make a well-informed, discerned decision for the spiritual well-being of the Archdiocese, looking at the feedback of the people and the needs of the Archdiocese.

Please email any questions to allthingsnew@archstl.org.



As part of this prayerful discernment, Archbishop Rozanski recently sought additional input and feedback from current parish school teachers, staff and school families about their Catholic school experiences. Nearly 1,900 teachers responded to their survey and more 10,000 parents and guardians responded to their survey by answering both multiple choice and open ended questions.

An overview of the all responses from across the Archdiocese of St. Louis, and results of each specific parish school at https://allthingsnew.archstl.org/Planning-Process/Catholic-Education.

The survey results from your specific school have been sent to your pastor and principal, and parts have been shared with our teachers, staff and school parents. They have provided excellent and important feedback to the Archbishop regarding your values and desires as they relate to the future of Catholic education in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Thank you to those who participated!



Online Feedback Survey Open
until December 31, 2022

Go to Survey

Preview the Survey Questions (pdf) 

Thank you for your feedback and participation in the All Things New initiative. All of the parish listening sessions for your planning area have now been completed.


If you attended one of the Listening Sessions or have reviewed the Planning Area 10 (St. Joseph) session details and would like to provide feedback on the Model Options and information, please complete the Listening Session anonymous feedback survey before December 31, 2022.


Questions related to All Things New
email:  allthingsnew@archstl.org

Questions accessing or completing the survey
email: onlinesupport@catholicleaders.org



All of the feedback will be individually reviewed as it is received by a team comprised of individuals from the All Things New team, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, and Catholic Leadership Institute. This compilation will occur through early January 2023 and will be used to add to and modify existing model options.

These revised model options will be shared with priests, deacons, parish life coordinator, and key parish leaders in the winter of 2023 for further feedback.


Listening Sessions

Tuesday, October 11th and Thursday, October 13th
6:00pm – 8:00pm
at St. Joseph Parish Hall

During these sessions you will hear messages from Archbishop Rozanski and from Fr. Chris Martin concerning an overview of All Things New, a planning area overview and multiple DRAFT model options to consider for our respective planning area. A brief time will be allowed for small group discussion and facilitated large group feedback. Please note that you only have to sign up for one of the two sessions.

For your information, our planning area consists of the following parishes: Immaculate Conception (Dardenne), St. Patrick, Assumption, Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Gianna, St. Barnabas and St. Joseph (Cottleville).

The Archdiocese will be hosting over 350 listening session throughout our 178 parishes between October 8-November 18, 2022.


You must Register to Attend, (seating is limited)
Listening Session Registration for St. Joseph Parish
(you will select a session date on the form’s 2nd page)

More About Listening Sessions – All Things New website

I cannot overstress the importance of these listening sessions. There will be changes in our specific planning area. These sessions will give you an opportunity to give your feedback concerning these draft proposals. So, please make every effort to attend one of the Listening Sessions being offered in our Parish.

Visit the ATN Website



Please find a video message below from Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski regarding All Things New, our renewal effort to better equip the archdiocesan community to live out the Catholic faith.

We hope you will engage with us during your parish listening sessions coming this fall.

You can learn more about All Things New by visiting our website.

Visit the ATN Website



The Catholic Education Advisory Task Force, comprised of pastors, administrators, teachers, parents, and community members, developed a survey so we can hear first-hand from your experiences with Catholic Education in the Archdiocese. This survey was designed to hear from anyone, including former and prospective parents, donors, volunteers, teachers, and parish community members, within the Archdiocese, regardless if they currently have children enrolled in a Catholic School.

The survey allowed individuals to anonymously share their thoughts about Catholic Education which will provide valuable input to the All Things New strategic pastoral planning initiative. Because the survey is focused on Catholic Education across the Archdiocese of St. Louis, it was not meant for feedback about a specific school or parish. This survey was meant to be a first step and allow the Catholic Education Advisory Task Force to gather initial information which will allow for future more focused opportunities for input and feedback.

Read the Education Survey Details – ATN Website


JULY 2022


Several weeks ago, St. Joseph Cottleville participated in a parish wide survey, The Disciple Maker Index.

The scope of this survey was your spiritual growth and parish support of your spiritual growth.


  • Strength in our Belief
  • Strength in Mass attendance and prayer
  • Opportunity to teach evangelization
  • Increase opportunities to be involved in decisions
  • Leverage our events and invite people to attend


These valuable insights will help guide ways we can help make you, our parishioners, better Christian disciples. Thank you to all who took time to participate in the survey.

We look forward to sharing more about what we’ve learned and how we’re using this information to help inform our decisions as we move forward.

~ Parish Council


Respondents Ages: 18-75
Female/Male: 63% / 37%
54% of average Sunday Mass going parishioners responded


Top 3 by Highest Percentage Strongly Agree

Scripture is the word of God
Eucharist is the body/blood of Christ
Church critical in relationship with God

Top 3 by Highest Percentage Monthly or Most Often

Mass Attendance
Individual Prayer Time
Prayed with Someone


Top 3 by Lowest Percentage Strongly Agree

Sharing Personal Story
Sharing Story of Jesus
Confidence in Teachings

Top 3 by Lowest Percentage Monthly or Most Often

Invited to Religious Like
Invited to Priesthood

St. Joseph vs. Diocesan Strongly/Agree + Agree Responses

Above Diocesan Scores

  • I would recommend other (associate) priest serving my parish to a friend (+8)
  • In the teaching authority of the Church (+4)
  • Providing high quality events and other opportunities to which I can invite people (+4)


Below Diocesan Scores

  • Involving me in decisions that affect the future of the parish (-14)
  • Teaching me how to share my person witness story (-13)
  • Teaching me how to share the story of Jesus (-12)
St. Joseph Parish SURVEY RESULTS - PDF

JUNE 2022


This past Spring, parishioners across the Archdiocese of St. Louis were invited through their parish to share their thoughts, reflect on their spiritual growth as well as provide parish leadership with invaluable insight regarding their parish’s strengths and opportunities through a survey, the Disciple Maker Index (DMI).

Based on the average October Sunday Mass count from 2015-2021, about 60% of Mass-going Catholics participated in the DMI Survey.

This equates to 22% of all registered adult Catholics 18 years and older who participated in the survey. This is above the national average for other dioceses who have taken the DMI nationwide.


FALL 2022

The All Things New team is organizing resources to offer each parish two in-person listening sessions.

These sessions will be led by a trained local volunteer facilitator. The format will include:

  • All Things New overview
  • Planning area – specific presentation that includes data and feedback, including strengths and opportunities for evangelization and Catholic outreach
  • Presentation of proposed parish and school models for planning area
    Opportunity for attendees to provide feedback on session content and instructions for providing online feedback through year end


The Pastor and the All Things New Key Parish Leaders will engage parishioners this summer and gather feedback on the top priorities for evangelization and social outreach in their local area.

This feedback will be shared with the All Things New team and will inform and guide the initiative and the subcommittees for evangelization, family, youth, and young adult ministries as well as the subcommittee for Catholic presence and social outreach.

April 5 – May 2

As part of the All Things New strategic pastoral planning initiative, you are encouraged to share your input about Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of St. Louis.

The survey was open to all current/former/prospective parents, alumni, faculty, staff, administrators, donors, volunteers, and community members of both Catholic Schools and Parish-based Religious Education programs.

For any questions, email allthingsnew@archstl.org


St. Joseph Cottleville Parish is seeking your honest feedback through a brief 10-15 minute survey regarding our strategic initiatives and the future of the Parish.

All responses are anonymous.

Please complete by April 4th.

We encourage all household members 15 and older to complete the survey.



August 1, 2021 – June 5, 2022

Planning, Socialization, and Data Collection

June 5, 2022 – May 28, 2023


Summer 2022
Draft modeling begins; collect model feedback from pastors and key parish leader; draft of parish planning process is completed

Fall 2022
Parish Listening Sessions to receive input and feedback on draft models; iterations to models

Winter 2022
Discernment and refinement of models

Pentecost- May 28, 2023
Archbishop Rozanski announces the plan for the Archdiocese of St. Louis

Fall 2023 –  2026